View Profile DanRaniera


Joined on 8/8/07

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I can't insult you, I LOVE YOU!


Generic ya mama joke: ya mama sooo fat, when she walk dow the road in her yellow raincoat, everyone shouts "Taxi! Taxi!"

Soz it's the best I could do <:-(

hmm... Tnx for trying.

suck my ass and call me your mammy, i cant insult you, go look for insults at:
NG Insult Generator.
It insults you anyway, put yer name there and, it becomes,
DanRaniera sucks the Dawg's warm-smelling angina, or something.

NG Insult Generator doesn't really insult me, is just random words than come up when you click, go, start or whatever.

thanx for trying. but that word at the bottom works.

Keep up the good work Dan, and stop feeling sorry for yourself because of NewGrounds --- there are much more complicated and stressful things out there, than a bunch of lame & pointless opinions (here on NG)...

Stay strong.

I'll smile till I die... Oh... thay rhymes!

anyways... I dunno what i am going to say.


lets see..an insult... um... YOUR A VERY NICE PERSON! Cuz i guess its cool to be mean on newgrounds haha.. I dunno i'm not good at this insult stuff unless i got good reason to be haha.
Keep on keeping on!

Umm... hello reviewwer on your 500's!

thank u... for the VERY NICE PERSON thingy!



Good one!

No, you gave me a nice review on my song :]

I luv reviewing -;D

314 Flash Reviews?!!!
816 Music Reviews??!!!!!!!!!
jezz you got a @#$%load of flash and music reviews!! you must review tons a day!!!
keep it up man!!! and check out my profile sometime it might not be as impressive but leave a contact so i can have a link to your profile
Peace :D :P

Yes! I luv reviewing!

yes! i will add u in my contact list! as long as i dont make this mistake:


(always make kind of those mistakes most of da time)

comment too if you got the time :D XD :P
bye then

Comment oon what?

sorry, im not sure wher you are going. =D XD

You suck at life. God hates you. I hope you die in a mattress fire.
You fucking noob.

Nice one! thx! Rig.. haha lol

youre an asshole

Yeah! Awsome... but i got into that word alot... not bad....

Thx =D

Every disease possible likes you. Go get 'em.

Where are they!?

You people as been soo nicest!
i am the happiest! =D keep more! yay!

If you're going to get 1000 reviews in that time, you better get some work done right now.


no worries, i can get tht done in a day, or 2, but need 100 music to be posted.

on my 999th! Someone PM or whatever, leave a message here... then I'll review that Music on whichever i likes...

=D Yay for 1000! lol

I could have fun with this....

1. You're a no talent idiot who judges things outside of your preferences.
2. You're a conniving little ass hole who is a thief, and gets by by stealing Zajed's work.

If you don't listen to a certain music genre, then don't fucking judge it. Stop downvoting things with great amounts of talent put into it. I've seen what you do in the hip-hop section, as well as the jazz section. Grow up. And have a nice day.

I never go to sections? i only go to the audio portal section... i dont browse genre...
i just go to audio portal and start listening to music from top to bottom... 30-1...
pleease think before you open that mouth of yours! XD

Nice Insult... but not good enough, haha doesnt make me feel bad.

Response to My Second Post:

Sry when i wrote this i didn't know you already commented on my profile thanks anyway hope you liked the random pic ^^

Umm oh yes... u mean the Userpage... XD

Read your new post on your profile, i wonder who ur 1000th review could be?
Here check out my brothers account he's the one who's got the songs even though i helped him on most of them, enjoy ^^ he's a little strange though... but i am his brother so i guess it is implided that i'd say that ^^;
<a href="http://moejoe122.newgrounds.com/">http://moejoe122.newgrounds.com/</a>

you truely are the "KING OF REVIEW"
With no argument or competition so far i haven't seen anyone with so many reviews, mabye one day you'll be "OVER 9000!!!!"
you know in the 5 digits ^^
See ya later XDXD :P

Right, ill check it right away, after i review on all the new submission in AP


OmfG Review #946
Thanks dude....Starting to love you XD

Awww.... =") lol...

Yur WElcome!

Dude, your reviews are horrible. You don't deserve to be able to review.

You don't give any feedback on the songs.

A review you left for me was "I like this kinda song, you know!" And that was it. That's not a review, that is a simple statement that if you really wanted to tell me, then you'd have PMed me, or commented on a news post.

Also, you stole Jarvid's idea for a user picture.

Horrible? did i like it? did i swear? was it rude? NO

is this horrible?: I like this kinda songs you know! Its awsome!

Wtf? whats so bad with that, and who the hell is Jarvid, many people has pictures like that u dumbnut.

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