luv it
but some of the words i dont know... like trishabuchet?
luv it
but some of the words i dont know... like trishabuchet?
Fun Game
Great Fun Game for all ages, i spend hours playing this game, its alot of fun
i luv it!
its fun
i luv it... but it is quiet hard and i dont really understand it... i luv the music -D
Not bad...
cuz all u do is shoot those poping hting, abit boring
This is full of crap
restart,stupid thing...... u should add like atleast 1000 of programs to be good..
I Luv this game!
its awsome! but sometimes it gets slow when u get too much army!
still great game!
my gooooodness mee... its hard......... very hard......!!!!
Woo-o Awwwsommee!!!
Great awsome cool, GREAT GAME EVER!!!
Nothing at all u can do, just press those green buttons and tht all! boring!
Joined on 8/8/07