Flash Review #320
Hah not bad lol... nice introduction! pretty well made up!
Flash Review #320
Hah not bad lol... nice introduction! pretty well made up!
thank you very much i remember many of the things i have submitted have been blammed but that was a long time ago
Flash Review #319
haha lol... pretty awsome stuff! good job lol!
Flash Review #318
Funny and nice... nice graphics! good voices and noise!
thanx very much! graphics are a bugger to get right tho XD
Flash Review # 315
Haha lol... funyy!
short, nice and a bit funny...
Haha lol!
nice... but graphics arent that good.
This is ery nic! good jop!
cheers for watchin and listenin and commentin
haha nice...
those are nice drawings! it could've been better if there was aots more...
keep it up yo.
Awsome Drawings!
awsome good drawings there... next time try to get the timings right, like the part where the hill mountains are, the tree just fly and off to the next page... you cant really see what the tree was suppose to do in the clouds...
and some part of the drawing are actually quiet quick, it is like watching it skip a part...
well other than that, i luv the drawings, it was cool... kinda creepy tho.
Joined on 8/8/07