Happy Halloween!
Man, this is a great movie halloween i ever seen! i luv it! im looking forward to see part 3
Happy Halloween!
Man, this is a great movie halloween i ever seen! i luv it! im looking forward to see part 3
I luv it!
wow, this was a great run this! keep it up and merry ghostmas! but 2007!
I luv it!
i luv all blockheads episodes! they are so funny and stupid!
hes just so stupid and funny! i luv him
I just luv BLOCKHEAD!!!
hes so cute lol, and funny, i luv him!
this is like so cool!
Simplt Brilliant!
best movie i ever seen in NG! wow this is great! looking forward to see more from u
Nice lol...
lol... funny...cool i like it... though make it better in the next epsode if u gonna... make it much better more longer and make it to like a story
Too short, nothing interesting
it was to short and there wasnt anything that interesting... not even like a story
Protected, i was the last one =D
this is very cute actually, funny weird, clay, slugs!
lol yea i couldnt think of anything that wouldnt take too much time to animate so i did the slug thing =P
Joined on 8/8/07